29 de Junio 2023 Actualidad
Women’s Political Leadership: A Human Rights Issue

Fecha y hora: |
29 de Junio 2023 a las 17:00h |
Lugar: Espacio Bertelsmann
Women are powerful agents of change, and the wider benefits of diversity and gender parity in leadership and decision-making are increasingly recognised across all sectors. However, women remain significantly under-represented in political, multilateral, corporate and community decision-making. The case for rebalancing the power equation in leadership has never been clearer: the need to increase women’s participation in decision-making benefits politics, multilateralism, business and communities. But progress in women’s leadership is not automatic. From the local to the global level, women’s leadership and political participation is limited. Women are under-represented as voters and in leadership positions, whether in elected office, the civil service, the private sector or academia. This is despite their proven abilities as leaders and agents of change and their right to equal participation in democratic governance.
Aware of this problem, Club de Madrid, Group of Women Leaders (GWL), and the Liz Mohn Center (LMC) wish to contribute to global efforts to increase women’s political participation at the highest levels of decision-making, using the experience of Club de Madrid and the GWL´ members as a catalyst. Club de Madrid, in partnership with the GWL and the LMC, aims to become a platform to use the leadership of its members to call for action at the global level in support of gender equality and women’s political participation at the highest level.